43 Years of Care and Ensuring No One Fights Alone!

NF Midwest Dream Team

Wishing for a future CURE and better CARE now.

NF Midwest Dream Team

The Dream Team is for people who have a great interest in supporting the mission of NF Midwest. Dream Team members receive frequent emails regarding the organization needs and are invited to bi-monthly meetings to discuss the programs of NF Midwest and the overall needs of our community. We are looking for those committed to volunteering their time and skills in different ways to help make an impact.

There are jobs big and small and a niche for everyone who really wants to help, but we are looking for individuals who have the dedication to participate on a regular basis and who are able to respond to communications in a timely manner.

If this sounds like something you may want to participate in, please fill out the form below to express your level of interest, availability and what life and professional skills your could add to the team.

NF Midwest Dream Team Application/Questionnaire

"*" indicates required fields

Preferred Method of Contact*
Choose which timeframes you'd prefer to attend online Dream Team meetings. Choose all that apply.


Please list what ways you'd like to volunteer with NF Midwest and any skills you can bring to the Dream Team.
Select all that apply. (hold shift to select multiple)
You may have skills from hobbies or your career that could be useful for the Dream Team. Please share what skills you have that could be of use. ( i.e. bilingual, past volunteer experience, industry connections, grant writing experience, etc...)
Please estimate the time you're willing and able to commit to The Dream Team each month. Make your best guess using the dropdown below. This is only to gauge interest-level and availability.

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