43 Years of Care and Ensuring No One Fights Alone!

Do It Your Way (DIY) Events

Do something 4NF! Do something you know…Something you love! Don’t worry…we’re here to help!

Do It Your Way-Create a Personal Event

Want to Do It Your Way by raising awareness and funds with a personal event? This is a great way to give more than your individual donation and to raise funds to support Clinics, Awareness, Research, Education, and Support. Include your friends to help improve the lives of children and adults with neurofibromatosis in meaningful ways. While it is a Do It Your Way event, we’re here to help however we can.

If you’re interested in hosting a Do It Your Way Fundraising Event, please contact:

The NF Midwest Office


Setting Up a Do It Your Way (Personal) Event

Whether you have organized an event before or this is your first time, we want your fundraiser to be a great success and we’re here to help you. Combined with NF Midwest’s expertise in planning, tax receipting, policies and recognition, you can easily hold your own fundraising event that is meaningful for everyone. We know organizing and planning a fundraising event can be a huge task, which is why our team of experienced event staff are happy to support you and provide the tools you need.

What NF Midwest Can Do

  • Offer advice and information on event planning logistics.
  • Provide material and press release assistance.
  • Provide a letter of support to validate the event and its organizers.
  • Provide letters for volunteer hours.
  • Provide tax receipts for eligible donations.
  • Assist you with volunteer, speaker and/or sponsor recruitment.
  • Promote your event via our local websites and social media accounts.

What NF Midwest Can’t Do

  • Provide any sponsorship, funding or reimbursement for event expenses (unless approved as a special circumstance).
  • Solicit or provide contact information for donors or staff.
  • Endorse applications for and/or obtain any necessary licenses or permits (i.e. gaming and/or liquor)
  • Approach potential sponsors (corporate or individual) on your behalf, or provide you with contacts for sponsorship.
  • Assume any legal or financial liability associated with the #DoIT4NF (DIY) Event.
  • Provide a tax receipt to the event organizer or one individual for the total funds raised by the event.

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