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West Central Wisconsin – Paying it Forward

Chippewa Bell Ringers_web

West Central Wisconsin members ringing bells for the Salvation Army and 4NF!

Chippewa Parade 2014

West Central Wisconsin members at the Bridge to Wonderland parade on December 6th, 2014


Crystal Reith has a great strategy for raising NF awareness through the West Central Wisconsin NF Midwest group that she chairs.

They don’t just Do It 4NF, they do it for others!

Crystal explains it best…

When I started the West Central Wisconsin Chapter I made it clear to our community that not only did we want help from them, but we want to help them. We are active in the parades (spreads awareness about us). We also participate in Earth Day Clean Up and any anything else they throw at us that we can come up with. After the walk last year we sent out picture thank you cards (with some of our walk pictures on a card). Today I was out delivering some Christmas Goodie baskets to some of the people that were very helpful to us last year and to say they appreciated it and were shocked would be an understatement…Their faces lit up with the biggest smiles and one even gave me a big hug and said we were the best local organization in this area and loved the fact that we are so involved and looks forward to telling people how great we are! Yeah West Central Wisconsin on a great job!

The group also has rung bells outside of stores on several occasions and earlier in the year stood outside stores to sell candy for the NF cause.

Basically, the West Central Wisconsin group gets out in the community and pays it forward and it comes back to the neurofibromatosis cause!

Meet Crystal and the other wonderful members of the West Central Wisconsin NF Midwest chapter at their 2nd Great Steps 4NF walk on May 16th at Irwin Park in Chippewa Falls!

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