43 Years of Care and Ensuring No One Fights Alone!

The "R" in C.A.R.E.S stands for RESEARCH!

NF Network activists get pumped to storm the Hill.

NF Network activists get pumped to storm the Hill in 2013.

Next week on February 10th and 11th we are going to literally “walk the talk”  and go office to office on Capitol Hill explaining the importance of NF funding to our congressional representatives. As a group of NF activists with the NF Network, we will for the 18th year in a row, take the fight for federal money for neurofibromatosis research to Washington DC.

NF Midwest has been a part of this advocacy work from the beginning. In just the last 10 years alone, the fundraising events of the NF Midwest community have enabled us to contribute almost $250,000 to lobbying efforts which have resulted in over 300 million dollars (that’s $300,000,000!) in NF research through the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDRMP)and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

It’s only because of the work and support of our wonderful NF Midwest community and supporters that we are able to help move neurofibromatosis research forward. NF Midwest CARES and wants to improve the lives of people with neurofibromatosis. This includes finding treatments and a CURE.

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