TeeUp4NF TopGolf
We could have not had a more perfect day for our TeeUp4NF event at TopGolf Naperville! We had 150 attendees, which is almost a full level, so you can bet we are going to aim to fill that baby next year! We had so many awesome raffle baskets and prizes, a hoppin’ 50/50 raffle, yum-town buffet lunch, and of course- fun and awareness all around!
A HUGE thank you to our amazing sponsors Kolnicki, Peterson, and Wirth, LLC and University of Chicago Medicine Comer Children’s Hospital .
Thank you so much to everyone who came out to play and support our youth and young adult programs such as camp tuition, scholarships, and the Young Adult Leaders. Because of you we are raised…
$11, 177!!!
You are all incredible! Thank you, thank you!