Shop and Benefit Neurofibromatosis
This holiday season you can use one gift to give twice! Buy awareness merchandise from our store or gifts from direct sellers who are donating most of their profits back to NF Midwest. That way your loved one gets a nice present and NF Midwest gets the gift of a donation. Some of these deals are only available for the next few weeks so shop now.
Here are your options:
Shop our NF Awareness Store for NF related merchandise.
Do ALL your online shopping through GoodShop. Select NF Midwest and a portion of your purchases will be donated back.
Shop Thirty One Gifts through Jessie Bodel and 20% of the sale will be donated. Additional funds will be donated if you host a party or become a consultant. You must shop by Dec. 7th.
If you are looking for Mary Kay products this holiday, buy through Emily Volenec and 30% of your sale will be donated. Simply find your products at and then email Emily at with your order.
Shop Lia Sophia through Denise Dulceak at and 30% of your sale will be donated. Currently if you buy 2 regular priced items you can get up to 4 additional items 50% off!! The best part is the more expensive items are the half off ones!