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be iNFormed Reproductive Options with NF1, NF2, and Schwannomatosis

Basic information about genetic counseling and options to address concerns

Reproductive Options in NF1, NF2, and Schwannomatosis (Revised Article)

People who themselves have been diagnosed with NF1, NF2 and Schwannomatosis, or who have a child with one of these diagnoses, often wonder whether future children of theirs will be affected with the same condition.  There can be deeply-held beliefs and sensitivities that are accessed in the process of first talking about a genetic risk with a partner, considering having children, passing on a genetic condition, and exploring options for preventing future children from being affected with a genetic condition.

This article is written to provide basic information for people with NF1, NF2 and Schwannomatosis about genetic testing during pregnancy and options for having a baby other than getting pregnant naturally. It is not a full discussion about the issues related to these choices. The information provided here can familiarize you with choices prior to receiving personalized and much more detailed information through the process of individual genetic counseling.

We want to thank Amanda Bergner, MS CGC, Columbia University who authored the original article a few years ago and graciously updated it for us with new and current information.

NF Midwest develops “Be iNFormed” articles on various complications and subjects with regard to neurofibromatosis. These articles are written specifically for the NF community without a lot of scientific jargon and with the information that we believe the patient and affected families want and need. We are also careful to have them written and endorsed by experts so that they can be shared with other doctors and seen as a respectable source of information. To find other articles go to nfmidwest.org/beinformed or for a more comprehensive list of resources to nfmidwest.org/learn.


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