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NF Midwest Funded Language Study Results Published

Collaborators from the University of Wisconsin – Dept. of Psychology have published a THIRD paper based on cognitive studies of children with NF1 that has been funded by NF Midwest. This article titled Language in young children with neurofibromatosis-1: Relations to functional communication, attention, and social functioning was published Research in Developmental Disabilities, volume 35, in July of 2014.

This particular study and article was led by Natalie Brei, M.S., under the direction of Dr. Bonnie Klein-Tasman, and focuses on language difficulties in children with neurofibromatosis type 1. Based on the findings it is suggested that attention difficulties in children with NF1 may contribute to, but do not appear to fully account for, language difficulties. Ms. Brei tells us that their study shows that “there is an increased risk of language difficulties for young children with NF1, and lab-measured language difficulties appear to relate to everyday communication and social interaction functioning. Therefore, it is recommended that young children with NF1 undergo comprehensive speech and language evaluations.”

We are so excited and proud to have funded studies that have provided a great deal of information on cognitive issues in young children with NF.

Check out the entire article here.

Check out the other publications related to the work of Dr. Klein-Tasman and her team:

International Journal of Pediatrics journal article

Journal of International Neuropsychological Society journal article

Poster presented at an NF science conference.


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