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NF Midwest Family Shares Their Amazing NF Story

Neurofibromatosis type 2, or NF2, a disease that causes uncontrolled growth of tumors, has affected 11 members of the extended Francis Barrette family of Clinton. Those battling the disease include, from left, Wendy Buikema, 40, holding a photo of her late mother, Jill Pearson, who was the first to be diagnosed with the genetic condition; Jamie Dornbush, 52, holding a photo of her late brother, Steve Barrette, and Alicia Rogis, 29, holding a photo of the late Francis Barrette, who has since been identified as the NF2 gene carrier in the family. He died of lung cancer in 1990. (Photo by John Schultz; from the Quad City Times)

When we learned from Jamie Dornbush how many, including her, in her extended family were recently found to have neurofibromatosis type 2 and saw the surgeries that several of them were facing together…we encouraged them to reach out and share their story.

It has been a very difficult year for Jamie and the Barrette family and that sharing was a hard process to add during this time. But they did it 4NF because they wanted to bring awareness to a disorder that unknown to them, had been quietly devastating their world.

Please read and share their story.

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