Great Steps Origins (Throwback Thursday)
It’s “Throwback Thursday” and Great Steps 4NF season! So today we honor those who had the Great Steps 4NF vision 13 years ago with the first walk in Naperville, IL. Many of those original teams still join us today and new walks and new teams come on every year. Thanks to the desire, determination and commitment of those who stepped forward to start this movement and those who step forward every year we are making a difference in the NF fight for treatments and awareness.
Desire is the key to motivation, but it’s determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal – a commitment to excellence – that will enable you to attain the success you seek. – Mario Andretti

Kim Bischoff and Joan Pilkinton, Great Steps 4NF founder at our Inaugural Great Steps 4NF walk in Naperville, IL.
This year we have five walks in the Midwest and there are more throughout the country. All of our walks are truly rallies for the cause!
In the Midwest we have the granddaddy of our walks in Naperville, Illinois on June 21st. This walk features our trademark “goodie walk” in which treats are handed out along the walk. It also includes tons of food and treats, a DJ, bouncy house, raffle and more.
On May 10th we have a walk in Middleton (Madison), Wisconsin at the Capital Brewery. This walk includes a 5K run, food, raffle and bouncy house.
On May 17th (NF Awareness day) we have a new exciting walk in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin at Irvine Park and Zoo. This walk is hosted by Alex & Cora of 104.5 FM and will feature food, fun and raffle.
Effingham, Illinois will hold it’s 7th Great Steps 4NF walk on June 21st at Community Park. This is our 2nd oldest walk and it’s great fun with great people and includes an awesome bake sale.

Tim’s Gang at our Inaugural Great Steps 4NF walk in Naperville, IL.
Finally, our last scheduled walk of the season, so far, is on September 13th in Fort Wayne, Indiana. The Fort Wayne walk always brings together a wonderful group of people and has a FANTASTIC raffle!
If you have the desire, determination and commitment to make a difference and be an NF champion and would like to chair a walk in your area, contact us.