Check out Videos From the 2021 iNFo Fair and Register for the 2023 iNFo Fair!

Adapting to the challenges of the pandemic and finding innovative ways to continue providing information NF Midwest, NF Northeast, Texas NF, and The Littlest Tumor Foundation came together to host the 2021 iNFo Fair virtually. Videos and information on that event are still available here.
This year’s event is in person! With a lineup of speakers like Dr. Carlos Romo from John Hopkins and a speaker from the National Institute of Health along with several other informative guest speakers’ attendees can expect a wealth of knowledge and information.
Attending the in-person iNFo Fair on October 21st will provide an excellent opportunity for individuals to learn, connect, and support those affected by neurofibromatosis. It promises to be a day filled with valuable insights and the chance to engage with experts in the field. We have a registration page where interested individuals can sign up and stay updated on the event’s details as they unfold. As of today, you can register for the event however details about speakers are limited so check back often!
Hope to see you there!
If you are interested in volunteering at the event, please contact Sarah, our Care and Outreach Coordinator.